23 March 2011

took the night off

and gave bedtime reading duties to Little Miss. She did an amazing job. She stayed on course even though her reading buddy couldn't quite sit still through a book .... or a page for that matter. Annika was so proud to be the one to read to Ingrid and I loved hearing her create stories as she would page through the various books.

Over the last few months Annika seems to have really grown in leaps and bounds. She has really started to take on much more of a loving, patient, supportive role to her little sister .... 95% of the time! The other 5% of the time is nothing more then I would expect of a big sister being annoyed with her little sister. And now that I think of it, is this perhaps the best it is going to get? Guessing when Annika hits 14 and Ingrid is 12, she will be annoyed more like 50% of the time? Or maybe not. Only time will tell.


All I know is that I enjoyed every second of watching her read to her little sister. Anyone know how to freeze time?? Seriously. Will give my left arm.

xoxo, the blad pad

1 comment:

Aunt Megan said...

we sure missed out on having sisters growing up. guess we will have to read each other stories and cuddle in Atlanta to make up for our childhood with only brothers :)

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