03 May 2009

the biggest boy

Bergen had a loose tooth for well over a month and it finally popped out last week while he was at the park with GP (aka Grandma Peg). Bergen was pretty scared about the whole idea of losing teeth - ever since he discovered his tooth was loose he wouldn't let me come near his mouth. . . he wouldn't even let me see how wiggly it was. We got him a few books at the library to help ease his fears, but he just couldn't get over the fact his teeth were coming loose.

He lost his tooth when he fell on the slide and bonked his head - it was THE PERFECT way for him to lose it - it was fast and he had no clue it was happening. In fact, he had no clue it even happened until GP saw a little blood in his mouth and asked him if his tooth came out. They weren't able to find the actual tooth (not sure if he swallowed it or if they just couldn't find it) but they found a tiny rock that looked just like a tooth - perfect his tooth fairy pillow! That night the tooth fairy brought him a dollar (we were going to do fifty cents until one of the books we got for him said it was a dollar!) which he now has safely tucked into his bank.

Such a big thing for our little boy!

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