08 April 2011

i know better

then to bring the girls with when Bergen gets a hair cut. But we had the time and his hair was badly in need of a cut. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do .... even against better judgement.

Ingrid picking hair off the floor ...
and then often trying to put it in her mouth (yuck!)

Ingrid going for the lollipops for the 100th time

Ingrid being told "no" for the 100th time

Ingrid checking out the coffee supplies

Having a water cooler chat with sister ...
with cup #7 after throwing away the first 6 no matter how quickly I tried to save them (grrrr)

And no, based on the pictures it doesn't seem so bad. But between takes I was running after one girl or the other, keeping hands away from hot irons, trying to keep bottles of shampoo on the shelf, making sure the water stayed in the water cooler or in a cup, picking up goldfish off the floor .... oy!

I always say "never again" but as 'they' say ... never say never.

xoxo ... the blad bad

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