10 January 2009

christmas celebration #3 and d-town

After our leisurely Christmas morning, we took the minivan for its first long distance road trip to D-Town. It was GREAT! So much room and the kids watched a movie the whole way. Plus the dual-side heat control made arguments about turning the heat up (me) or down (Lars) non-existent.

We had a great Christmas dinner with Great Gma Betty, Aunt Marilyn, Uncle Dick and Aunt Peggy. The kids were pretty fried by the end of the day - their little brains can handle only so much excitement. But we had a WONDERFUL Christmas Day!!

We spent the rest of the weekend "up north" with Nana and Papa. . . and as usual had a lot of fun! We also got a visit with Great Gamma D and Great Gma and Gpa Birk. It was a wonderful Christmas weekend!

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